10 LandWeb_output Module Authors:

Eliot J B McIntire [aut, cre], Yong Luo [aut], Alex M. Chubaty [ctb]

10.1 Module Overview

10.1.1 Module summary

This module saves LandR Biomass outputs for use with LandWeb post-processing.

10.1.2 Module inputs and parameters

Table 10.1 shows the full list of module inputs.

Table 10.1: List of LandWeb_output input objects and their description.
objectName objectClass desc sourceURL
cohortData data.table age cohort-biomass table hooked to pixel group map by pixelGroupIndex at succession time step, this is imported from forest succession module. NA
fireReturnInterval Raster A raster layer that is a factor raster, with at least 1 column called fireReturnInterval, representing the fire return interval in years. NA
pixelGroupMap RasterLayer updated community map at each succession time step NA
rasterToMatch RasterLayer this raster contains two pieces of information: Full study area with fire return interval attribute. NA
rstTimeSinceFire Raster a time since fire raster layer NA
species data.table a table that of invariant species traits with adjusted values https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcyr/LANDIS-II_IA_generalUseFiles/master/speciesTraits.csv
sppColorVect character A named vector of colors to use for plotting. The names must be in sim$speciesEquivalency[[sim$sppEquivCol]], and should also contain a color for ‘Mixed’ NA
sppEquiv data.table table of species equivalencies. See LandR::sppEquivalencies_CA. NA
speciesLayers RasterStack biomass percentage raster layers by species in Canada species map http://tree.pfc.forestry.ca/kNN-Species.tar
standAgeMap RasterLayer stand age map in study area, default is Canada national stand age map http://tree.pfc.forestry.ca/kNN-StructureStandVolume.tar
studyArea SpatialPolygonsDataFrame multipolygon to use as the study area, with attribute LTHFC describing the fire return interval. Defaults to a square shapefile in Southwestern Alberta, Canada. NA
studyAreaLarge SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Polygon to use as the parametrisation study area. Note that studyAreaLarge is only used for parameter estimation, and can be larger than the actual study area used for LandR simulations (e.g., larger than studyArea in LandR Biomass_core). NA
studyAreaReporting SpatialPolygonsDataFrame multipolygon (typically smaller/unbuffered than studyArea) to use for plotting/reporting. Defaults to an area in Southwestern Alberta, Canada. NA
summaryPeriod numeric a numeric vector contains the start year and end year of summary NA

Provide a summary of user-visible parameters (Table 10.2)

Table 10.2: List of LandWeb_output parameters and their description.
paramName paramClass default min max paramDesc
mixedType numeric 2 NA NA How to define mixed stands: 1 for any species admixture; 2 for deciduous > conifer. See ?vegTypeMapGenerator.
sppEquivCol character LandWeb NA NA The column in sim$specieEquivalency data.table to use as a naming convention
summaryInterval numeric 50 NA NA This describes summary interval for this module
vegLeadingProportion numeric 0.8 0 1 a number that define whether a species is leading for a given pixel
.plotInitialTime numeric 0 NA NA This describes the simulation time at which the first plot event should occur
.plotInterval numeric 1 NA NA This describes the simulation time interval between plot events
.plots character object NA NA Passed to types in Plots (see ?Plots). There are a few plots that are made within this module, if set. Note that plots (or their data) saving will ONLY occur at end(sim). If NA, plotting is turned off completely (this includes plot saving).
.useCache logical FALSE NA NA Should this entire module be run with caching activated? This is generally intended for data-type modules, where stochasticity and time are not relevant

10.1.3 Module outputs

Description of the module outputs (Table 10.3).

Table 10.3: List of LandWeb_output outputs and their description.
objectName objectClass desc
vegTypeMap Raster NA

10.1.5 Getting help

https://github.com/fRI-Research/LandWeb_output/issues ## References