Model outputs

  • burnSummaries module … (TODO)
  • LandMine module … (TODO)
  • LandWeb_outputs module … (TODO)
  • LandWeb_summary module … (TODO)
  • timeSinceFire module … (TODO)

Previously-run model outputs are available to download for authorized users, and are described below.

8.6 Currently Selected Spatial Area

  • Currently selected reporting polygon (.shp)

8.7 Large Patches Data for study region

  • Large Patches Data (.csv)
  • Large patches histograms (.png)

8.8 Leading Vegetation Cover Data for study region

  • Leading Vegetation Cover Data (.csv)
  • Leading Vegetation Cover histograms (.png)
  • Leading Vegetation Cover boxplots (.png)

8.9 Simulation Rasters (cropped to study region)

  • Flammability maps (.grd)
  • Time Since Fire maps (.tif)
  • Vegetation type maps (.grd, .tif)

8.10 Additional R Data Files (advanced users)

  • Simulation data files (.RData, .rds)

The downloaded outputs are bundled into a zip file (e.g., with the following directory and file structure:

 |_ boxplots/
     |_ leading_*.csv
 |_ histograms/
     |_ largePatches/
         |_ 100/
         |_ 500/
         |_ 1000/
         |_ 5000/
     |_ leading/
     |_ largePatches_*.csv
 |_ polygons/
 |_ rasters/
     |_ rstTimeSinceFire_*.tif
     |_ vegTypeMap_*.tif*
 |_ simulationOutput_*.rds