3 LandWeb_preamble Module

(ref:LandWeb_preamble) LandWeb_preamble Authors:

Eliot J B McIntire [aut, cre], Alex M. Chubaty [aut], Ceres Barros [aut]

3.1 Module Overview

3.1.1 Module summary

Set up study areas and parameters for LandWeb simulations.

3.2 Parameters

Provide a summary of user-visible parameters.

paramName paramClass default min max paramDesc
bufferDist numeric 25000 20000 1e+05 Study area buffer distance (m) used to make studyArea.
bufferDistLarge numeric 50000 20000 1e+05 Study area buffer distance (m) used to make studyAreaLarge.
forceResprout logical FALSE NA NA TRUE forces all species to resprout, setting resproutage_min to zero, resproutage_max to 400, and resproutProb to 1.0.
friMultiple numeric 1 0.5 2 Multiplication factor for adjusting fire return intervals.
dispersalType character default NA NA One of ‘aspen’, ‘high’, ‘none’, or ‘default’.
mergeSlivers logical FALSE NA NA Should sliver polygons in LTHFC map be merged into nearest non-zero polygon?
minFRI numeric 40 0 200 The value of fire return interval below which, pixels will be changed to NA, i.e., ignored
pixelSize numeric 250 NA NA Pixel size in metres. Should be one of 250, 125, 50, 25.
ROStype character default NA NA Rate of spread preset to use. One of ‘burny’, ‘equal’, ‘log’, or ‘default’.
treeClassesLCC integer 1, 2, 3,…. 0 39 AKA forestedLCCClasses. The classes in the LCC2005 layer that are considered ‘trees’ from the perspective of LandR-Biomass.
treeClassesToReplace numeric 34, 35, 36 0 39 The transient classes in the LCC2005 layer that will become ‘trees’ from the perspective of LandR-Biomass (e.g., burned)
.plotInitialTime numeric 0 NA NA This describes the simulation time at which the first plot event should occur
.plotInterval numeric 1 NA NA This describes the simulation time interval between plot events
.plots character object NA NA Passed to types in Plots (see ?Plots). There are a few plots that are made within this module, if set. Note that plots (or their data) saving will ONLY occur at end(sim). If NA, plotting is turned off completely (this includes plot saving).
.saveInitialTime numeric NA NA NA This describes the simulation time at which the first save event should occur
.saveInterval numeric NA NA NA This describes the simulation time interval between save events
.sslVerify integer 64 NA NA Passed to httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = P(sim)$sslVerify) when downloading KNN (NFI) datasets. Set to 0L if necessary to bypass checking the SSL certificate (this may be necessary when NFI’s website SSL certificate is not correctly configured).
.studyAreaName character NA NA NA Human-readable name for the study area used. If NA, a hash of studyAreaLarge will be used.
.useCache logical FALSE NA NA Should this entire module be run with caching activated? This is generally intended for data-type modules, where stochasticity and time are not relevant

3.3 Data dependencies

3.3.1 Input data

Description of the module inputs.

objectName objectClass desc sourceURL
canProvs SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Canadian provincial boundaries shapefile NA

3.3.2 Output data

Description of the module outputs.

objectName objectClass desc
CC TSF RasterLayer Time since fire (aka age) map derived from Current Conditions data.
fireReturnInterval RasterLayer fire return interval raster
LandTypeCC RasterLayer Land Cover Classification map derived from Current Conditions data.
ml map map object containing study areas, reporting polygons, etc. for post-processing.
LCC RasterLayer The result of LandR::overlayLCCs() on LCC2005 and LandTypeCC.
nonTreePixels integer NA
rasterToMatch RasterLayer NA
rasterToMatchLarge RasterLayer NA
rasterToMatchReporting RasterLayer NA
ROSTable data.table A data.table with 3 columns: age, leading, and ros. The values under the age column can be mature, immature, young and compound versions of these, e.g., immature_young which can be used when 2 or more age classes share same ros. leading should be vegetation type. ros gives the rate of spread values for each age and type.
rstFlammable RasterLayer NA
speciesParams list list of updated species trait values to be used to updated speciesTable to create species.
speciesTable data.table a table of invariant species traits with the following trait colums: ‘species’, ‘Area’, ‘longevity’, ‘sexualmature’, ‘shadetolerance’, ‘firetolerance’, ‘seeddistance_eff’, ‘seeddistance_max’, ‘resproutprob’, ‘resproutage_min’, ‘resproutage_max’, ‘postfireregen’, ‘leaflongevity’, ‘wooddecayrate’, ‘mortalityshape’, ‘growthcurve’, ‘leafLignin’, ‘hardsoft’. Names can differ, but not the column order. Default is from Dominic Cyr and Yan Boulanger’s project.
sppColorVect character A named vector of colors to use for plotting. The names must be in sim$sppEquiv[['LandWeb']], and should also contain a color for ‘Mixed’
sppEquiv data.table table of species equivalencies. See LandR::sppEquivalencies_CA.
studyArea SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Polygon to use as the simulation study area.
studyAreaLarge SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Polygon to use as the parametrisation study area. Note that studyAreaLarge is only used for parameter estimation, and can be larger than the actual study area used for LandR simulations (e.g, larger than studyArea in LandR Biomass_core).
studyAreaReporting SpatialPolygonsDataFrame multipolygon (typically smaller/unbuffered than studyAreaLarge and studyArea in LandR Biomass_core) to use for plotting/reporting.